The agrarian class structure in India is debated between two main ideas: capitalist and semi-feudal. Ashok Rudra says Indian agriculture is capitalist, with two main groups—big landowners (capitalists) and agricultural labourers. Landowners pay wages to labourers, reinvest profits, and use technology, which are signs of capitalism. Utsa Patnaik adds more details, dividing classes into exploiters (landlords, rich peasants) and the exploited (poor peasants, labourers) based on who owns the land and who works for others.
On the other side, scholars like Amit Bhaduri say Indian agriculture is semi-feudal. Features like sharecropping, farmers being stuck in debt, and small farmers having no access to markets show feudal traits. Landowners also act as moneylenders, keeping farmers trapped in dependency. Caste plays a big role here, with upper castes often being landlords and lower castes working as labourers. Both views agree on exploitation but differ on whether Indian agriculture is fully capitalist or still has feudal elements.
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