Concept of power and authority

Power and authority are key concepts for understanding social structures and relationships.

Power is the ability of an individual or group to influence or control others’ behavior, actions, and decisions. It can be exercised through force, persuasion, or manipulation and isn’t always formal or legitimate. Power can stem from wealth, knowledge, or status. For example, a wealthy business owner may have power over their employees.

Authority is a kind of power that people accept as legitimate. It usually comes with an official role that gives someone the right to make decisions, give orders, and ensure others follow them. Authority is often based on laws, traditions, or social rules. For example, a police officer has the authority to enforce laws because society has given them that official power through the legal system.

while power can be exerted by anyone with the capacity to influence others, authority is a formal and recognized form of power that is granted and accepted by society.

Copyright @ Sociology IGNOU.

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