Discuss the contribution of Ranjit Guha to subaltern studies.

Subaltern means lower status. Subaltern Studies is an approach to history that emerged in India, focusing on rewriting the history of ordinary people, especially those who were overlooked by traditional historians. This idea is closely associated with Ranajit Guha and his colleagues, who wanted to shift the focus away from the elites (wealthy or powerful individuals) to the common people, like peasants and tribal communities.

Traditionally, Indian history was often written from the perspective of the elites, who were seen as the main players in events like the nationalist movement. This elite-focused history emphasized the role of prominent leaders and organizations, often ignoring the contributions and struggles of the masses.

Ranajit Guha and others argued that this elite-focused approach to history made Indian history incomplete because it neglected the actions and resistance of ordinary people. They believed that the subaltern people, which means people were not just passive followers of the elite but had their own politics, motivations, and forms of resistance. These historians aimed to highlight the independent efforts of these groups during the colonial period, particularly in their struggles against British rule.

For example, while elite leaders often engaged in formal, legalistic, and cautious forms of resistance, the subaltern groups were more likely to engage in spontaneous, aggressive, and sometimes violent forms of protest. Subaltern Studies, therefore, seeks to give voice to these marginalized groups, recognizing them as active participants in history rather than mere objects of historical events.

In summary, this approach tries to balance the historical narrative by showing that ordinary people, not just the elites, played a crucial role in shaping India’s history, especially during the colonial period.

Copyright @ Sociology IGNOU.

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