* Note :- The answers that are not yet published, will be posted soon.
December, 2015
Answer any two of the following questions in about 500 words each.
- Discuss the socio-economic background of the emergence of sociology in Europe.
- “Society evolves from a simple form to a complex one. Discuss from Spencer’s point of view.
- Critically analyse Marx’s concept of class and class conflict.
- Discuss the connection between need and culture in Malinowski’s framework.
Answer any four of the following questions in about 250 words each.
- Define social facts. Outline the main characteristics of social facts.
- Discuss the concepts of power and authority as given by Max Weber.
- Elaborate Veblen’s theory of leisure class.
- Outline the abnormal forms of division of labour.
- Why does Merton say that a ‘non-conformist’ is not a criminal ? Discuss.
- Explain Radhakamal Mukherjee’s formulation of `Social Ecology’.
- Discuss the major issues raised in socio-religious reform movements in pre-independent India.
- Discuss the hierarchy of the sciences given by Auguste Comte.
Answer any two of the following questions in about 100 words each.
- Identify the features of Bureaucracy.
- What is Indology ?
- What did Parsons mean by ‘pattern variables’ ?
- What is meant by Asiatic mode of production ?
Please send me eso 13 slove answer
Hi… sorry, I’m not maintaining this blog due to time constraints.
I want previous years solved question paper of ESO-13