MSO-001 Solved Question paper

* Note :- The answers that are not yet published, will be posted soon.

June, 2024

Note : Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Answer at least two questions from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Discuss the role of enlightenment in the special relationship of early growth and development of Sociology.
  2. Critically explain Levi-Strauss’ understanding of social structure as social construct.
  3. Elaborate the basic premises of functionalism.
  4. Discuss the dynamics of power in local communities as elaborated by Miller and Dahl.
  5. What do you mean by legitimacy? Discuss its various bases.


  1. Discuss the characteristics of sovereignty and its external dynamics.
  2. Explain Weber’s view on class, status and party as source of power.
  3. Elucidate the relationship between state and civil society in a democracy.
  4. Distinguish between natural and social inequalities and their sociological relevance.
  5. Discuss various theories on the origin of caste system.

December, 2023

Note : Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Answer at least two questions from each Section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. ‘Social structure is a reality.’ Discuss with reference to the perspective of Radcliffe-Brown.
  2. Explain the concept of neo-functionalism. Discuss its merits and limitations.
  3. Discuss how power operates in local communities.
  4. What did Weber mean by ‘disenchantment’? In what way does it influence economic progress?
  5. Discuss the sociological understanding of power. Outline the main sources of power


  1. What do you understand by ‘modernity’? Explain with reference to the perspective of Anthony Giddens.
  2. Can there be a society without classes? Critically discuss.
  3. What are the main propositions of Davis and Moore’s perspective on social stratification?
  4. What is ethnicity? Explain the instrumentalist approach to the understanding of ethnicity.
  5. Critically discuss the role of civil society in democratic governance.

June, 2022

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Discuss Marx’s critique of capitalism.
  2. Critically discuss Weber’s contribution to the understanding of entrepreneurship.
  3. Discuss the relationship between power and knowledge from the perspective of Foucault.
  4. Compare and contrast the views of C. Wright Mills and David Riesman on power.
  5. Explain the concept of elite. Critically discuss Pareto’s idea of ‘circulation of elites’.


  1. What is modernity ? Discuss with reference to the perspective of Anthony Giddens.
  2. Outline the main features of Barth’s model to study ethnicity.
  3. Explain bureaucracy as manifestation of rationality in society.
  4. Critically discuss the relationship between civil society and democracy, with suitable illustrations.
  5. Write short notes on the following:
    (a) Classlessness
    (b) Global Citizenship

December, 2018

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What do you mean by paradigm? Discuss its significance in social analysis.
  2. Discuss the social contexts of the emergence of sociological theories.
  3. Explain Radcliffe-Brown’s contribution to the study of social structure.
  4. Elaborate the concept of power in terms of sociological explanations of Weber, Marx, Lukes, Giddens and Foucault.
  5. Critically analyse the various sociological explanations on the bases of Legitimacy.


  1. What do you mean by sovereignty ? Discuss its various features.
  2. Critically evaluate the significance of civil society in a democracy.
  3. Examine the significance of the instrumentalist approach to the study of ethnicity.
  4. Explain the various theories to the study of caste system in India.
  5. Distinguish between natural and social inequality.

June, 2018

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Elaborate the major tenets of Marxian and Weberian notion of power in a comparative framework.
  2. What do you understand by objective social reality? Explain.
  3. Critically analyse the relationship between positivism and functionalism.
  4. Discuss the various contexts of exercise of power as elaborated by Tumin.
  5. Explain the various approaches to the study of social organization.


  1. Elaborate the relationship between state and power.
  2. Explain the relationship between state, citizenship and multiculturalism.
  3. Discuss the various approaches to the study of ethnicity.
  4. What do you mean by class ? Discuss any three major theories on class structure.
  5. Critically examine the linkages between caste, class and gender.

December, 2017

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What are the similarities and differences between structural functionalism and neo-functionalism ?
  2. Explain the concept of legitimacy. According to Weber what are the basis of legitimacy ?
  3. What did Berger and Luckmann mean by ‘Social Construction of reality’ ?
  4. ‘Alienation is a process of dehumanization of labour’. Discuss.
  5. Do you think power is knowledge ? Discuss.


  1. What is ethnicity ? Outline the relationship between race and ethnicity.
  2. Critically examine Marx’s views on social class and class conflict.
  3. ‘Gender is a basis of social stratification. Discuss with suitable examples.
  4. What is. modernity ? Explain Giddens’s perspective on it.
  5. What is civil society ? Explain its functions in a democracy.

June 2017

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Discuss the social construction of reality as presented by Peter Berger.
  2. Discuss the contribution of E.E.Evans-Pritchard to the understanding of social structure.
  3.  What is Charisma? How is it routinized?
  4. Compare and contrast Weber’s and Schumpeter’s analysis of entrepreneurship.
  5. Discuss Foucalt’s views on power.


  1. Discuss the concept of citizenship. How is it related to civil society?
  2. What is meant by identity? Outline Eriksons contribution to identity construction.
  3. Critically Examine marxian understanding of class.
  4. Discuss Derrida’s idea of deconstruction.
  5. Outline Yogendra Singhs analysis of modernization in Asia.

December, 2016

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. ‘Concepts and theories are intrinsically intertwined’. Comment.
  2. How is Radcliffe – Brown’s approach to the study of social structure different from that of Levi – strauss ? Discuss with suitable examples.
  3. Critically examine the neo-functionalist theories.
  4. What do you mean by power ? Examine its relationship with authority and domination.
  5. ‘Alienation is a product of dehumanization of labour – Discuss.


  1. ‘In the context of modern state, sovereignty denotes the exercise of legal and political authority’. Discuss.
  2. Compare and contrast the instrumentalist and constructivist views on ethnicity.
  3. Critically examine the functional perspective on social stratification.
  4. How does Dahrendorf differ from Marx in his analysis of class and class conflicts in industrial society ? Discuss.
  5. In civil society a threat to the functioning of democracy? Discuss.

June, 2016

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. How is the Marxian perspective of social analysis different from that of Weberian one ?
  2. What do you mean by social construction of reality ? How is it constructed through every day experiences ?
  3. Discuss the major premises of functionalism as an approach to study social structure. What are its limitations ?
  4. What do you meanby power ? Discuss its various sources.
  5. Discuss various features of an Industrial organization and its relation to work.


  1. Examine the relationship between global citizenship and the  nation-state.
  2. Critically examine the role of civil society in a democracy.
  3. Explain the relevance of boundary and boundary maintenance in constructing ethnic identity.
  4. What do you understand by modernity ? Discuss the various approaches to the study of modernity.
  5. Examine the relationships between caste, gender and social stratification.

December, 2015

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. How did Enlightenment influence the sociological thought of Weber and Durkheim ?
  2. What are social concepts ? How are they related to sociological theory ? Discuss.
  3. Compare and contrast positivism and functionalism as two theoretical approaches.
  4. What do you understand by capitalism ? How did it emerge as a mode of production ?
  5. Define the concept of alienation and discuss Marx’s understanding of alienation in capitalist society.


  1. Distinguish between legal and political sovereignty with suitable examples.
  2. Discuss the functions of civil society in a democracy.
  3. Discuss Erikson’s contributions to the understanding of identity construction.
  4. Describe Michael Young’s thesis on rise of meritocracy and discuss its nature.
  5. Critically examine the major sociological approaches to the study of ethnicity.

June, 2015

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What is a concept ? Discuss its relation with theory.
  2. What is a paradigm ? How does a paradigm shift take place ? Elucidate your answer.
  3. Explain the relationship between social reality and symbolic universe.
  4. Discuss Radcliffe-Brown’s contribution to the understanding of social structure.
  5. Discuss the concept of power as elaborated by Max Weber and Karl Marx.


  1. Define the concept of sovereignty and discuss the internal and external types of sovereignty.
  2. What do you understand by citizenship ? How is it related with State ? Discuss.
  3. What is meant by ethnic groups ? Discuss its various dimensions.
  4. Define the concept of social inequality and explain the distinction between natural and social inequality.
  5. Discuss the process by which gender construction takes place in society. Use suitable examples.

December, 2014

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Explain Marxism theory of surplus value.
  2. Critically discuss Anthony Giddens’s contribution to the understanding of power.
  3. Discuss the basic premises and tenets of neo-functionalism.
  4. ‘Social structure is an empirical reality’. Discuss with reference to the perspective of A R Radcliffe-Brown.
  5. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10 (a) Negative Liberty (b) Legitimacy (c) Circulation of elites


  1. What is ‘deconstruction’ ? Explain how post – structuralists deconstruct structuralism.
  2. Discuss critically ‘state promotes the interests of the dominant class’.
  3. What do you understand by ‘civil society’ ? Discuss the nature of relationship between civil society and the state.
  4. Explain the ‘motivation theory’ of social mobility.
  5. How does gender serve as a critical base of social inequality ? Discuss.

June, 2014

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Explain the concept of ‘alienation’. Does division of labour lead to alienation ? Discuss.
  2. Compare and contrast Delbert Miller’s and Robert Dahl’s viewpoints on power in local communities.
  3. Write a critique of functionalism.
  4. Describe the contributions of Claude Levi-Strauss to the study of social structure as a model.
  5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
    (a) Entrepreneurship
    (b) Charismatic authority
    (c) Power elites


  1. Explain the concept of inequality. Distinguish between natural and social inequality.
  2. Does modernization lead to institutional breakdown in society ? Discuss with reference to India.
  3. Explain critically the liberal theory of the state.
  4. What is ethnicity ? Discuss the relationship between race and ethnicity.
  5. Discuss Marx’s views on social class and class conflict.

December, 2013

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Discuss Durkheim’s attempt to establish sociology as a science.
  2. What is “paradigm shift ” ? Discuss with suitable examples.
  3. Is society an objective reality ? Discuss.
  4. Define and discuss the concept of elite with special reference to Pareto.
  5. Discuss Weber’s concept of power and authority.


  1. Critically analyse the Parsons’s contribution in understanding social system.
  2. What is the relation between state and citizenship ?
  3. Define ethnicity and explain its construction in society.
  4. Discuss some of the major perspectives on social inequality.
  5. Discuss Marx’s contribution towards the understanding of class.

June, 2013

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What is a concept ? How does it relate to theory ?
  2. Compare and contrast Radeliffe-Brown’s and Levi-Strauss concept of social structure.
  3. “Power is a corrupting force” Discuss .
  4. Is modern society a rational society. Discuss.
  5. How did industrial revolution influenced the emergence of sociology ? Comment.


  1. Define the concept of sovereignty. In what sense is India a sovereign nation ? Discuss.
  2. What is citizenship ? Give its historical perspective.
  3. Discuss critically Erickson’s views on identity construction.
  4. Discuss relationship between gender and social stratification.
  5. Write short notes on any two of the following :
    (a) Civil Society
    (b) Concept of Caste
    (c) Status of Women in India
    (d) Modernity and Modernization

December, 2012

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Discuss Talcott Parsons’ Theory of Social Action.
  2. Discuss Malinowski’s Scientific Theory of Culture.
  3. Discuss the concept of social structure as a model.
  4. Examine the thesis of neo-functionalism.
  5. Is freedom a Value? Discuss.


  1. Critically examine the concept of alienation.
  2. Discuss Weber’s concept of state.
  3. Examine Erikson’s contributions to the construction of identity.
  4. Discuss the functionalist perspective on social stratification.
  5. Discuss the key features of modernity as a process.

June, 2012

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Critically examine the role of Marxism in the development of sociology.
  2. What is a ‘Paradigm ? Is the concept applicable to sociology ? Discuss.
  3. Discuss Malinowski’s theory of functionalism.
  4. What is Power ? Examine the instruments of power.
  5. Is expansion of market a pre – condition for the development of capitalism. Discuss.


  1. Examine the concept of ‘de – humanisation of labour’.
  2. What do you mean by sovereignty ? Discuss its main features.
  3. Critically examine instrumentalist approach to the construction of ethnicity.
  4. What is an ethnic group ? Examine Barth’s understanding of an ethnic group.
  5. Discuss the relationship between tradition and modernity.

December, 2011

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Taking at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. What is a concept ? Explain the process of theory formation.
  2. Explain Parsons’ action theory.
  3. Explain the relation between language and social reality.
  4. Describe the major premises of functionalism.
  5. Discuss the sociological theory of organisations and their development.


  1. Explain the concept of citizenship in historical perspective.
  2. Does civil society promote democracy ? Discuss.
  3. Discuss the interface between caste and class with suitable examples.
  4. Describe Fredriek Barth’s understanding of ethnic groups and boundaries.
  5. Write short notes on any two of the following :

June, 2011

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Taking at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Discuss the context of the emergence of sociological theories.
  2. What do you understand by ‘construction of social reality in everyday life’ ? Discuss.
  3. Describe A.R Radcliffe Brown’s perspective on social structure.
  4. Compare and contrast Talcott Parsons’ and Robert K. Mertons’ views on structure and function.
  5. Discuss the historical interpretation of capitalism.


  1. Define the concept of state and explain the views of Marx on state.
  2. Explain the concept of power. Discuss the articulation of power in local communities.
  3. Describe the functions of civil society in a democratic social order.
  4. Explain the concept of difference and inequality with examples.
  5. Write short notes on the following :

(a) Max Weber’s concept of status.

(b) Post modernism.

December 2010

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Taking at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Explain the concept of power as developed by Karl Marx and Max Weber.
  2. What is neo-functionalism? Describe its significance in sociological theory.
  3. What is ‘alienation’? Explain the process of alienation in capitalist societies.
  4. ‘Reality is socially constructed’. Discuss.
  5. Discuss the contribution of Levi Strauss to the study of social structure.


  1. What do you understand by ‘social mobility’? Examine Thorstein Veblen’s motivation theory to explain social mobility.
  2. Discuss Tumin’s critique of Davis and Moore’s perspective on social stratification.
  3. Examine the concept of citizenship in the context of multicultural societies.
  4. Critically examine the role of civil society activism in democratic governance in the contemporary context.
  5. Critically discuss Jean Baudrillard’s notion of ‘symbolic exchange’ as a means to understanding post-modernist society.

June, 2010

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Taking at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. What do you understand by ‘power’ ? Explain the concept of power in the writings of Anthony Giddens.
  2. What are the major premises of functionalism as an approach to the study of society ? Discuss the major criticism that led to the rise of neofunctionalism.
  3. Explain the concept of ‘entrepreneurship’. Discuss Joseph Schumpeter’s approach to the study of entrepreneurship.
  4. What do you understand by construction of social reality ? Discuss.
  5. ‘Social structure comprises a set of existing relations at a given moment of time which link together certain human beings’. Discuss.


  1. ‘Deconstruction’ ? How did Jaques Derrida use the concept of ‘deconstruction’ to critique ‘Structuralism’ ?
  2. Can there be a classless society ? Discuss.
  3. Examine the role of bureaucracy as an organizational apparatus of the modern state.
  4. Critically assess the role of civil society promotes the ideals of indemocracy.
  5. Discuss how gender serves as a means of stratification in Indian society ?
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