MSO-003 Solved Question paper

* Note :- The answers that are not yet published, will be posted soon.

June, 2019

Note: Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Discuss the social and human dimensions of development.
  2. Explain Gidden’s theory of modernity.
  3. Discuss the participatory approach to the management of natural resources.
  4. Delineate the salient features of dependency theory of underdevelopment.
  5. Critically examine the concept of sustainable development.


  1. Examine the cultural dimensions of globalisation.
  2. Discuss the social challenges to development in Brazil since the 1980s.
  3. Examine the various initiatives for the protection of indigenous and traditional knowledge systems.
  4. Critically evaluate the debates on Large Dams.
  5. Discuss the role of civil society for empowerment of the marginalised.

December, 2018

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each.

  1. Examine the perspectives of Auguste Comte and Emile Durkheim on the concepts of development and progress.
  2. Discuss the social and human dimensions of development.
  3. What is modernisation ? Highlight its main features.
  4. Explain Gidden’s theory of modernity.
  5. Discuss the ecological concerns of development projects in India.
  6. Examine the poverty alleviation strategies of Zimbabwe in the 1990s.
  7. What is globalisation ? Highlight its salient features.
  8. Discuss the emerging concerns of trade liberalisation for developing countries.
  9. Examine the role of mass media in the process of globalisation.
  10. What is green peace movement ? Discuss its objectives and prospects.

June, 2018

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each.

  1. What is development ? Discuss its positive and negative impact on society.
  2. Explain the various perspectives to understand social change.
  3. Critically examine the concept of sustainable development.
  4. Explain Marxian Perspective of development.
  5. Discuss the emerging alternative approaches on development.
  6. Elucidate the steps taken by the Indian government in the recent years to liberalise Indian Industry and financial sector.
  7. Discuss the Social Challenges in Brazil since the 1980s.
  8. What is TRIPs ? Critically examine dimensions of the agreement.
  9. Explain the concept of knowledge society.
  10. Discuss the role of civil society for the empowerment of the marginalised.

December, 2017

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each.

  1. Explain the various models of development.
  2. Has there been paradigm shift in development strategies ? Discuss.
  3. Explain the historical perspective on modernisation.
  4. Examine the impact of development on women.
  5. Discuss the Neo-Marxian approach to development.
  6. Critically evaluate human development approach.
  7. Discuss the emergence of economic nationalism in Canada.
  8. Critically examine the social dimensions of the impact of globalisation.
  9. Discuss the criticisms of knowledge society.
  10. Does civil society contribute to the empowerment of the marginalised ? Discuss.

June 2017

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each.

  1. Explain the ideas of Lewis Henry Morgan and Karl Marx on development and progress.
  2. Discuss the various perspectives of social change.
  3. Examine the major barriers to development.
  4. Critically examine the concept of sustainable development.
  5. What is dependency theory of underdevelopment? Explain its central ideas.
  6. Examine the criticisms of the growth models of economic development.
  7. Discuss the various plans of development in Post-independent India.
  8. Examine the initiatives for the protection of indigenous and traditional knowledge.
  9. Discuss the contemporary social challenges in Brazil.
  10. Examine the debates on large dams with suitable examples.

 December, 2016

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. Discuss Parson’s approach to the understanding of development.
  2. Is development gender-neutral ? Discuss.
  3. What do you understand by ‘sustainable development’ ?Discuss the significance of sustainable development in contemporary time.
  4. Explain liberalism as an ideology of development.
  5. What is alternative development ? Discuss the reasons that led to the rise of ethno-development as a distinct approach to development.


  1. Explain the significance of Green Peace Movement in light of contemporary development practices.
  2. Discuss the impact of mass media on socio-cultural lives of people.
  3. Critically discuss the impact of globalization on labour conditions in India.
  4. Discuss the cultural dimension of development.
  5. Do Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) influence economic functions of society ? Discuss.

June, 2016

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What do you understand by ‘human development’ ? How does it differ from economic development ?
  2. Explain the concept of modernisation. Critically discuss the major themes of modernisation.
  3. Critically examine the politics of sustainable development.
  4. Discuss Giddens’s theory of modernity.
  5. Critically examine the role of state in liberal economy.


  1. Critically discuss the role of Civil Society in empowerment of the marginalized sections in society.
  2. ‘Large dams are a necessary evil’. Discuss.
  3. Why is there proliferation of the service sector in the era of ICTs ? Explain.
  4. What is bio – piracy ? In what way does it pose a challenge to indigenous knowledge.
  5. In what way has the Indian state dealt with the issue of poverty in the era of globalization.

December, 2015

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Answer at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Examine the paradigm shift in development strategies in contemporary India.
  2. How does development contribute to women’s empowerment ? Explain with illustrations.
  3. Write a critique on the concept of sustainable development.
  4. Discuss the Gandhian perspective on development.
  5. Explain endogenous development as an alternative development approach.


  1. Discuss the social challenges in Brazil since the 1980s.
  2. Critically examine the implications of TRIPS for the Third World countries.
  3. Discuss the concept and features of Knowledge/Information society.
  4. Examine the role of mass media in the process of globalisation.
  5. Discuss the role of civil society in empowering the marginalised.

June, 2015

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Answer at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Discuss ‘the relationship between social and economic dimensions of development.
  2. What is modernisation ? Discuss the various perspectives on modernisation.
  3. Discuss the changing perspectives on women’s development.
  4. Develop a critique of liberal perspective on development.
  5. Delineate the salient features of dependency theory of under-development.


  1. Discuss the emergence of economic nationalism in Canada.
  2. Examine the cultural dimensions globalisation.
  3. Discuss the various initiatives for the protection of indigenous and traditional knowledge systems in India.
  4. Critically examine the discourses on web-based knowledge dispersal.
  5. Discuss the experiments with alternatives to large dams, with suitable example.

December, 2014

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each.

  1. Critically evaluate the various perspectives on modernisation.
  2. Describe liberalism as an ideology and discuss its streams of thought.
  3. Examine the impact of development on women in India.
  4. Critically examine the various models of economic growth.
  5. What is sustainable development ? Critically discuss its dimensions.
  6. Discuss the concept of globalisation. How does it differ from modernisation ?
  7. Examine the social challenges confronting Brazil since the 1980s.
  8. Discuss the emergence of economic nationalism in India.
  9. Examine the concept of Knowledge/Information Society.
  10. Critically assess the implications of TRIPS for the third world countries.

June, 2014

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. What is social development ? How is it linked with economic development ?
  2. Critically discuss the dependency theory of under-development.
  3. Discuss Giddens’ theory of modernity.
  4. Examine the criticism of growth oriented theories of development.
  5. What are the consequences of development on ecology and environment ?
  6. Examine the approaches to population problem in India.
  7. Discuss the significance of participatory approach to the management of natural resources.
  8. Critically examine the concept and consequences of economic liberalisation on marginalised communities in India.
  9. Explain the major dimensions of knowledge society in India.
  10. Should large dams be constructed ? Give reasons to substantiate your answer.

December, 2013

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What do you understand by development ? Explain the social and human dimensions of development.
  2. Write a critique of the Marxian perspective of development.
  3. Discuss the features of micro-planning and its relevance in India’s development.
  4. Explain the dimensions and significance of sustainable development in the contemporary world.
  5. ‘Population is a resource and not a liability’. Discuss critically.


  1. Write an over view of the Canadian state’s perspective on development.
  2. Discuss critically the social dimensions of globalization in India.
  3. Discuss the features of knowledge economy and the place of knowledge workers in it.
  4. Discuss the role of the People’s Science Movement in developmental practices in India.
  5. Does India need large dams for development ? Answer with suitable examples.

June, 2013

Answer any five questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section.


  1. What do you understand by development? Explain briefly Marxian and Weberian understanding of development.
  2. Write a critique of ‘Growth-Oriented’ perspective of development.
  3. What do you mean by ethno-development? Discuss its relevance in India’s developmental strategy.
  4. Elucidate the relationship between gender and development.
  5. How does liberalism address the issue of inequality? What are the limitations?


  1. Discuss the main features of globalization. How does it influence the developmental perspective of a nation?
  2. Explain the various measures initiated by the Indian state in the wake of globalization to eradicate poverty. What is their impact?
  3. How do the Information and communication technologies affect the economic functions of a society? Explain with suitable illustrations.
  4. Discuss the main features of Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs). How does it affect the interests of the developing countries?
  5. Critically examine the role of civil society in the developmental initiative of India.

December, 2012

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Is development different from progress ? Discuss.
  2. Describe the different perspectives on social change with suitable examples.
  3. Discuss the impact of development on women.
  4. Discuss Gidden’s theory of modernity.
  5. Critically examine Marxian approach to development.


  1. Discuss the ICT revolution in India and its impact on development.
  2. What are the social dimensions of globalisation ?
  3. How does knowledge economy transform the patterns of work participation ?
  4. Describe the genesis and evolution of People’s Science movement in India.
  5. What do you understand by NGOs ? Discuss their emerging role in development.

June, 2012

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select atleast two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Critically discuss the social and human dimensions of development in India with special reference to tribals.
  2. Discuss the idea of sustainable development.
  3. Give a critical analysis of liberal perspective on development.
  4. Critically examine the relevance of the world system theory in the present context.
  5. Why do the large-scale development projects become ecological concerns ? Discuss.


  1. Discuss how the liberalisation has influenced development policies in India ?
  2. Describe the features of present day globalization with examples.
  3. What are the implications of TRIPS for the third world countries ?
  4. Critically examine the idea of knowledge society.
  5. Describe the role of civil society in social change.

December, 2011

Answer any five of the following questions. All questions carry equal marks.

  1. Discuss paradigm shift in development discourse.
  2. Give a critique of modernisation theory.
  3. Describe the various barriers to development.
  4. Discuss Marxian idea of development.
  5. Explain Gandhian concept of development with special reference to Khadi and Village industries.
  6. Critically evaluate the liberal theory of development.
  7. Discuss the emergence of economic nationalism in Canada.
  8. Examine the need for protection of indigenous and traditional knowledge systems.
  9. Explain the relationship between mass media and globalization.
  10. What is green peace movement ? Discuss its objectives.

June, 2011

Answer any five of the following questions. All questions carry equal works.

  1. Discuss the social and human dimensions of development.
  2. Describe the various perspectives of social change.
  3. Explain the structural perspective on women’s development.
  4. Write a critique of the concept of sustainable development.
  5. Discuss Gidden’s theory of modernity.
  6. What is dependency theory ? Delineate the propositions of dependency theory.
  7. Examine the present scenario of development in India.
  8. Discuss the indigenisation Process of Zimbabwean economy.
  9. Examine the cultural dimension of globalisation.
  10. What do you mean by knowledge/information society ? Discuss.

December, 2010

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each.


  1. Compare and contrast the capitalist and socialist models of development.
  2. Discuss the impact of development on women.
  3. Discuss the various dimensions of the participatory approach to development.
  4. Critically examine the dependency perspective on development.
  5. What are the new concerns in development theories? Discuss.
  6. Describe the post independence phase of development in India.
  7. Explain the cultural dimension of globalization. Does it threaten local cultures?
  8. Describe the main principles of the General Agreements on Trade in Services (GATS) and discuss its impacts.
  9. What are the main arguments for and against large dams ?
  10. Examine the features and relevance of People’s Science Movement.

June, 2010

Answer any five of the following questions in about 500 words each. Select at least two questions from each section. All questions carry equal marks.


  1. Critically evaluate the various perspectives on modernisation.
  2. Describe liberalism as an ideology and discuss its various streams of thought.
  3. Explain Gandhian perspective on development. Is it still relevant ?
  4. Discuss the criticism of growth oriented theories of development.
  5. What are the consequences of development on ecology and environment ?


  1. Compare the development experience of India with that of Brazil.
  2. Define the concept of globalisation. How is it different from modernisation ?
  3. What are the different diversions of knowledge society ?
  4. Discuss the role of mass media in development.
  5. What is Green Peace Movement ? Discuss its relevance in contemporary world.
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